My second book, The Mystery, is set to be released in October . In The Mystery I explain how I went trough a season of deception that almost took my life. I talk about how the only way I felt I could avoid deception in the future was to trust someone more than I trusted myself. I was hesitant to mention church at all because so many people have been controlled, manipulated, used, abandoned, misunderstood, accused and condemned by "church" situations. But at the same time I knew it was important to communicate how vital a healthy, honest, open, loving community is to me. As I wrestled with how to include everything I wanted to but didn't have the room for, I was given a book my friend @bradmckoy wrote. He had just finished writing it and wanted to know my thoughts. I wept as I read the beautiful way he explained all the things about community that I had learned and am still learning. I was so excited that he wrote a book about exactly what I wanted to tell people and beyond what I could have ever written on the subject as I'm still learning so much about it. My favorite parts are when he talks about God being a loving Heavenly Father. I talk a lot about this in my book and how understanding it helped teach me who I am created to be. So I asked if I could write the forward for his book and make sure all of you knew about The Culture of The Few. This book is a great companion to my own book The Mystery that will be released in October. But Brad's book @cultureofthefew is available now! I hope many of you will check it out and it will help you understand more about why community was so important to me when you read my story later this year. Thanks for all your support. I pray you will know how valuable and deeply loved you all are. -Lacey
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