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Survey on Section Four: INTERCESSION
Survey for Section Four: Intercession
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Did the content from Section Four (Intercession) work well together?
Specifically, how do you think that the transition from Section Three (Intentionality) into Section Four (Intercession) work for you as a reader?
It worked very well.
It was okay, but not great.
It felt disjointed and was hard to follow.
As a reader, how do you think it worked to have two longer chapters in this section compared to the three chapter format of the first three section.
It didn't make a real difference.
It made the section harder to follow
The section was fine with two longer chapters.
In a sentence or two, please describe the quality of the content in Section Four (Intercession)
If you could go behind the scenes into any story that you have heard in Section Four: INTERCESSION, what would it be? * *
(If we were to develop additional content, such as videos, photo essays, articles or podcast, awhat stories from this section left you wanting more info?)
(OPTIONAL) What areas in Section Four: INTERCESSION stood out as the strongest content? (concepts, scriptures or stories)
(OPTIONAL) What areas in Section Four: INTERCESSION needed help or did not make sense?
(OPTIONAL) Are there specific quotes from Section Four: INTERCESSION that made a impact on you?
(OPTIONAL) Do you have any ideas about what it might look like for you to practice "Seeing the Father / Seeing with the Father" ?
Thank you!
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