Help us LAUNCH the Culture of the Few Book and Resource Next Generation Leaders.
Make a donation to help us LAUNCH "Culture of the Few" and I will send you a copy of the Culture of the Few as my way of saying thank you.
#GenerosityTuesday - In honor of Generosity Tuesday, all gifts that are given Dec.1st - Dec. 7th will be matched up to $2,500.
Our Plan:
Get the first 5,000 copies of Culture of the Few printed before we announce the release date.
Sow the first 1,000 copies of Culture of the Few into developing leaders for free.
Complete the Pilot Resource Pack to accompany the "Culture of the Few" book: The Carpenter's Shop.
Dear Josh and Benna,
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and review the rest of this information. I appreciate it so much. Benna, I was really honored that you were part of the reading group. I was really encouraged by the feedback that we received from people.
I am reaching out to you because I wanted to ask you if you would consider helping me LAUNCH the book by making a one-time, financial gift. In honor of Generosity Tuesday, all gifts that are given Dec.1st - Dec. 7th will be matched up to $2,500. Would you consider joining with me by making a gift of $75, $150, $300 or a gift of another amount at this strategic time? If you do not need a tax deductible receipt, please click on the DONATE NOW! button below. If you would like a tax deductible receipt for your gift, click the second button to give your gift through McKoy Mission Fund at There is no pressure in this request, but I wanted to make a clear invitation. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks for your consideration.