Help us LAUNCH the Culture of the Few Book and Resource Next Generation Leaders.
Make a donation to help us LAUNCH Culture of the Few and I will send you a copy of the Culture of the Few as my way of saying thank you.
#GenerosityTuesday - In honor of Generosity Tuesday, all gifts that are given Dec.1st - Dec. 7th will be matched up to $2,500.
Our Plan:
Get the first 5,000 copies of Culture of the Few printed before we announce the release date.
Sow the first 1,000 copies of Culture of the Few into developing leaders.
Complete the Pilot Resource Pack: The Carpenter's Shop.
Dear John,
Thanks for taking time to check out this video and the rest of this information about the Culture of the Few . I am really excited to take these next steps and launch the book. I am also excited to be partnering with Alex Catedral and a few other people from the AOX family to begin developing additional resources that we pray will really make an impact on developing leaders. (SEE VIDEOS BELOW)
John, I really appreciate your friendship. There are very few people on the planet that I feel as connected with in following Jesus. I will never forget the ride back from when we drove to Kansas City to visit Isaac and Telma and drop Lydia off for camp. We had been talking and dreaming and you looked at me and said, "let's father in this generation together..." There is such a huge YES in my heart to continue to follow Jesus and journey together with you.
As we stand at this opportunity to invest into the lives of many developing leaders, I would like to ask you to consider making a financial gift to help me launch the Culture of the Few. There is no pressure with this request, but I wanted to make a clear invitation. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Love and Blessings,