Help us LAUNCH the Culture of the Few Book and Resource Next Generation Leaders.

Make a donation to help us LAUNCH Culture of the Few and I will send you a copy of the Culture of the Few as my way of saying thank you. 

#GenerosityTuesday - In honor of Generosity Tuesday, all gifts that are given Dec.1st - Dec. 7th will be matched up to $2,500.

Our Plan:

  1. Get the first 5,000 copies of Culture of the Few printed before we announce the release date.  

  2. Sow the first 1,000 copies of Culture of the Few into developing leaders.

  3. Complete the Pilot Resource Pack: The Carpenter's Shop.


Dear Grant and Liz,

Thank you so much for agreeing to watch this video and let me update you about the Culture of the Few.  I am both excited and humbled by the feedback that we have received from our test readers and believe that God is already using the content of the book to encourage and empower God's people to follow Jesus and change the world. 

We are sending this information out to our friends and partners who have been a part of our journey over the past several years.  God has been so good to our family.  Thank you for your friendship and partnership with us throughout the past several years.  There have been so many times when we have felt strength and love from you.  Whether it was during a time where you gave financially or the way that you show love to us by seeking us out to talk with us and find out how we are doing, we appreciate you.

As we get ready to take steps to release this book, we wanted to intentionally invite you to be a part of helping us launch the Culture of the Few.  Would you consider making a financial gift to help us reach our goal?   Of course, there is no pressure for you to give to this special opportunity, just a clear invitation.  Thank you so much for journeying with us.  

Love and Blessings,

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