Initial Funding Info
This page is where you can stay updated with the latest information on our journey to LAUNCH the Culture of the Few. Our Goal is to raise $20,000 before the end of the year.
Our Plan:
Get the first 5,000 copies of Culture of the Few printed before we announce the release date.
Sow the first 1,000 copies of Culture of the Few into developing leaders.
Complete the Pilot Resource Pack: The Carpenter's Shop.
Sneak Peak at Resource Videos
This is a sample of the type of concept videos that we plan to produce as part of our resource pack. This video would be accompanied by several short articles, discovery questions and reflection assignments. These resource packs would focus on key areas of content and are designed to help facilitate paradigm shifts.
Here is a short preview of a behind the scenes story from the Culture of the Few. We plan to use these videos to help flesh out important areas of content and give our audience additional insights into key information.