Dwell in the Land (Resource Pack)
This month, our LIFECAST centered around the Ch.11 of Culture of the Few, Dwell in the Land. Let's continue the conversation guys! We have typed up a series of questions and compiled some additional articles to help you dig further into what it looks like to be
faithful where you are, without losing your vision for tomorrow!
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Why is it important that both rootedness and revival be sustained? Can one exist without the other?
Do you ever feel disconnected from the God dream in your heart? If so, how do you work through that?
As you are following Jesus, how have you seen a connection form between where you are right now, and the dream of where God is leading you?
At the end of Matthew, the resurrected Jesus commands His followers to make disciples, baptize, and teach others from all over the world everything He has taught them. Before ascending to heaven, He seals it with the promise that He will be with them every step of the way. If Jesus is always with us—through the presence of His Holy Spirit, who dwells within us—then why do we relegate sharing Him with others to the people holding microphones on Sunday?
In this article, Jasmine Tate shares how being fully present is the doorway to seeing God's Kingdom invade earth!
What is revival? What does revival look like?