Prayer Squad Inquiry




Dear Friend,

As you know, I have been working very diligently to release my first book, Culture of the Few. As you also may know, my dream behind this book is to provide a written guide to world-changers about cultural transformation, by looking at the Ultimate Agent of change... Jesus. I hope that this book is a reflection of what you know of my heart as my friend. As I invite you to participate in this process below, I want you to know that this book, more than any model, program, or formula, points to the actual life of Jesus for answers on what it means to develop leaders who impact their culture. This is a passion I know we share.

Over the next several months, we are taking very real steps to launch this book—from starting our Kickstarter, to handling pre-sales on February 29th, to the preparation of books for printing. I recognize the need to call for friends and partners to join with me in praying for God’s hand to be on our work. I am also praying, that as this book is intended to point people to Jesus, that the breath of His Spirit would be the wind and the sails that causes this message to spread beyond my friends. Our dream is that God would use the Culture of the Few to help equip a generation of Jesus followers to make disciples and impact the planet for Gods glory.

That being said, I am reaching out to you because I would love your help in a very specific way: prayerI want to ask if you would be willing help me by being a part of the Culture of the Few Prayer Squad".

If you would be willing to receive updates and commit to pray with us throughout this process over the next several months, it would mean so much to me if you let me know by selecting an option below, and providing your email address. This would allow me to contact you about specific and ongoing prayer requests.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for considering being a part of our Culture of the Few book launch Prayer Squad.


Brad McKoy


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